Internet Use Reduces Study Skills in University Students

Internet Use Reduces Study Skills in University Students


One Factor Causing Test Anxiety, Loneliness and Reduced Motivation to Study in University Students

Students who use digital technology excessively are less motivated to engage with their academics and are more concerned about exams, according to research from Swansea University and the University of Milan. Internet Use Reduces Study Skills in University Students

Students who use digital technology excessively are less motivated to engage with their academics and are more concerned about exams, according to research from Swansea University and the University of Milan. The increased loneliness brought on by the usage of digital technology worsened this effect. VA Home Loans

The study involved 285 college students who were enrolled in a variety of health-related degree programs. Their use of technology, study motivation and abilities, anxiety, and loneliness were all evaluated. The study discovered a conflict between internet addiction and academic drive.

Students who reported higher levels of internet addiction also reported greater levels of exam anxiety and difficulty structuring their study effectively. The study also discovered that internet addiction and loneliness were related, and that the latter made learning more difficult.

Internet Use Reduces Study Skills in University Students

Students who use digital technology excessively are less motivated to engage with their academics and are more concerned about exams, according to research from Swansea University and the University of Milan.

“These results show that students with high levels of internet addiction may be particularly at risk from decreased motivations to study, and, consequently, lower actual academic achievement,” stated Professor Phil Reed of Swansea University (pictured).

A quarter of the students claimed to spend more than four hours a day online, while the remaining pupils claimed to spend one to three hours daily. For the student sample, social networking (40%) and information searching (30%) were the two main uses of the internet.

“Internet addiction has been found

to affect a range of capacities such as impulse control, planning, and sensitivity to incentives,” stated Professor Truzoli of Milan University. The difficulty of studying could potentially increase if one lacks these skills.

Online addiction was discovered to be linked to increased loneliness in addition to the associations between levels of internet addiction and low study motivation and ability. According to the findings, students’ feelings of loneliness made it more difficult for them to study. VA Home Loans

Internet Use Reduces Study Skills in University Students

According to the study, loneliness has a significant impact on students’ perceptions of academic life in higher education. Loneliness is made worse by the worse social connections that are known to be connected with internet addiction, which has an effect on motivation to participate in a highly social educational environment like a university.

Before we continue

on a path toward increasing the digitization of our academic environments, Professor Reed continued, “We have to pause to assess if this is actually going to bring about the results we want. Although there may be opportunities with this method, there are also risks that have not yet been adequately evaluated.

Reference: Roberto Truzoli, Caterina Vigan, Paolo Gabriele Galmozzi, and Phil Reed, “Problematic internet use and study motivation in higher education,” 12 December 2019, Journal of Computer Assisted Learning. DOI: 10.1111/jcal.12414

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