NU Degree Admission 1st Merit List Result 2022

NU Degree Admission 1st Merit List Result 2022 NU Degree Admission Result 2022. NU Degree Pass Course 1st First Merit List 2022. N.U Degree Admissions Result 2022 will be released on 14 November 2022. National University Degree Pass Admission Result 2022-2023 is available on our website . National Higher Diploma Admissions We will publish the results of the 2nd list of results on our website. Every candidate can check their national university admission result online or SMS.

If you are a test-taking admissions degree, then this article is most important for you. Because in this post we want to give you information about how you can check your NU admission result. Please read the full article to get the 2022 admission results.

National University Admissions Result

National University Admission Result 2022 National University Admission Result is for the session 2022-2023 honors 1st year course completion. National University Admission Result 2022 is administered by National University, Gazipur.

Many students prefer NU admission. They want to complete their degree courses from their respective colleges under the National University of Bangladesh. Students already choose the name of the respective school on the application form. The verification of the applicant’s application by the relevant universities has already started and will continue until January 2022.


NU Degree Admission 1st Merit List Result 2022


When do they release the NU admissions results?

National University 1st Merit list will be released on 14th November 2022. It is a possible date but not final. But we are sure that the NU Degree Admission Result will be published by 5th December 2022. For more updates, please follow our website and join our Facebook group.

The result of the admission procedure – publication date

The first merit list for National University Degree Admission Result will be published on 14th November 2022. The last date to apply online was 24th November 2022 and the completion of the application process ended on 28th November 2022. The admission result will be available online as well as through SMS.

How to get admission results 2022

There are two ways to get admission results. one is through online and the other through your mobile SMS. So let’s check the process to get your admission result quickly and easily.

NU 022 online admission result:

Do you want to check the result of the admission procedure? Follow the next 4 steps.

The result of the NU admission procedure by SMS:

First, go to the “Message” option on your mobile. Then enter the following keywords:

NU gap> ATDG gap> “Roll Number” Send SMS to “16222.”

For example, send NU ATTACHMENT 123456 to 16222. That’s it.

Important information: Admission procedure:

Application Form: From 4th December 2022

College Application Form Verification: From November 15, 2022, Application Fee: TK 250; Total Application Fee: TK 485 (Registration Fee: 450; Sports and Culture Fee: 20; BNCC Fee: 5 TK; Rover Scout Fee: 10 TK); Admission fee for release: 700 TK.

There are a total of six courses in the Pass Degree Course system. All courses will run for three academic years. If you have selected the NU admissions result for the 2022-2023 academic session, you will be admitted if you complete the following degree-granting courses:

NU First Admission Merit List 2022 Result

Download National University Admission Quota Result.

The NU admission process will be completed in four steps:

  • Step1: Students must collect the online application form by November 14, 2022.
  • Step 2: Application form should be submitted with hard copy from 15th November 2022 to 27th November 2022.
  • Step 3: Candidates must pay the application fee to the affiliated schools between November 15, 2022 and November 28, 2022.
  • Step 4: The candidate’s application form is verified by the affiliated colleges from November 29, 2022 to December 5, 2022.

There are two options for admission to study. The two options are:

The National University has provided all the data related to the admission process and guidelines for taking the admission process in 2022. The course program is BA, BSS, BSC, BBS, B Music, B Sports, BFA etc. for three years in the first year. Download Second Merit List at the national university is the result of the above result field.

NU Admission 2nd Merit List Result

If you need more information about National University Degree Pass Course Admission Notification and Result 2022 then visit the official website You can also get the admission results from this website:

We will provide you with all important news and applications on our website in time. So visit for next update of National University Admission Result 2021-2022. Keep your eyes open for more updates. If you have any query regarding national university admission result please comment below or message us through Facebook.

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